006 – Happiness in 2020 – La Felicidad en 2020
Visit https://ivonnedelaflor.com/futuring to learn more about how to design your desired futures and receive a futuring journey audio meditation in either English or Spanish.
We’re going to talk about happiness, because happiness is a big component for any moment and any year of your life. Without happiness, what’s the purpose of a lot of money? What’s the purpose of a lot of success without happiness and health?
Happiness is an inside job. I want to share with you a story today that comes from the Shaolin culture from China; and I’m going to be reading to you a beautiful story titled, “Where is Happiness?”
I invite you to contemplate it. I invite you to make it your own. One of my commitments this 2020 is to focus more on joy and less in pain.
Due to my mission and body of work – shadow work, systemic transgenerational work, family constellations – I have helped thousands of people heal from pain or get the wisdom of the pain so they can move forward.
I really want to exalt more the joy that is to be alive. The story I wanted to share starts like this: a puppy and an old dog lived together. One day, having heard that a dog’s happiness is on its tail, the puppy kept running in circles, chasing his tail to find happiness.
The old dog laughed and said, “I find happiness by walking forward without any regret about the past, without any fears about the present, and without any worries about the future. As long as I take a step forward, the happiness on my tail will naturally follow.
So where is happiness? Suspicion distances us from happiness. Jealousy confuses us to what happiness truly is.
The illusion causes us to push away the welcoming arms of happiness. Why keep praying to the Divine for happiness or begging the Buddha for a way to find happiness, for happiness has always been in our hearts?
Truly, the more you open your heart this year, the more you risk to love and to trust that things will work for the better. Not only you will be attracting, creating, and designing deeper brilliant futures, but you also will find yourself more present in the here and now.
We cannot build brilliant futures, which are now, when you are always pursuing or chasing happiness. When we realize that happiness really resides in our ability to live through our open heart, in spite of the pain, fear, and what has happened to us, when we tap into the happiness that is within, we open the doors to our brilliant future.
When we open the doors of our heart towards the Brilliant Future, happiness naturally flows from us. So I recommend that for this year, moment, or for any goal you have in your life, to always seek the happiness within, knowing that it already resides in your heart.
This is my wish for you this year: that you don’t chase your tail like the little puppy, that you get the wisdom of the big dog, and that know that everything you need is already within your soul.
To learn more about how to design your desired futures and receive a futuring journey audio meditation in either English or Spanish, visit https://ivonnedelaflor.com/futuring
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