148 – Xicome The Call of Quetzalcoatl with Grace Terry
Grace is the art and musical director of the Network for Human Empowerment. She is also a healer, meditator, Reiki Master, and the founder of the Infinite Voice Academy, teaching meditation classes and voice workshops.
Having previously produced 8 records, Grace has just finished the recording of the album “Alchemy” and is doing concerts and workshops worldwide.
Today Grace comes to share with us about Xicome: The Call of Quetzalcoatl.
Xicome (Pronounced she-ko-may) derives from náhuatl, the official language of the Aztec empire. Its meaning in náhuatl, although written with “ch”, represents the sacred number seven. Its phonetics when repeated several times gives the name of Mexhiko.
Xicome is committed to promoting peace, art, science, spirituality, awareness, health, and wellness, preserving millinery cultures, encouraging human development and spiritual growth, promoting the Rights of Mother Nature, and generating research, based on the power of sound and music as a means, in benefit of all sentient beings and groups of society to generate a transformation in the collective and individual consciousness and intelligence to reestablish the harmony and peace of our Planet and Galaxy.
This year, Xicome was invited to be a guest at The Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts, which is the largest greenfield music and performing arts festival in the world.
In order for the Xicome team to be able to be a part of this great moment, we are asking for your support through any kind of donations that can come out of your heart.
How to connect with Xicome:
- Donations: https://gofund.me/f3d97203
- Grace’s Instagram to learn more about Xicome’s mission: https://www.instagram.com/graceterryofficial/
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