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Videos de Cursos Gratuitos – Free Video Series

5 Dias de Tao en Accion
7 Dias de Milagros
7 Dias para Reprogamando
21 dias de fe en acción
21 Days of Faith in Action


Ivonne is a masterful teacher, brilliant mentor, and trusted ally.

Her intuitive sight and skilled facilitation have helped me recognize new possibilities in my life and my creations. Her devotion to her own studies and ongoing growth is an inspiration to me.
When I spend time with Ivonne, whether in 1:1 sessions or in-person deep-dives, I leave feeling inspired, expanded, and fired up about my next steps in my business and service.
Ivonne is truly lives her message of “faith in action” and is a powerful guide for those who seek to make lasting positive impact on the world.

I’ve been blessed to be mentored by and co-create with Ivonne on many levels. Her integrity, mastery, and devotion to service are all qualities I highly value in both a mentor and an ally.

Her systemic approach, futurist brilliance, and intuitive capacity are a few of the elements that set her work apart. She leads by example, and she lives what she teaches.

Whether she’s serving tea, guiding transformational experiences, masterminding, or leading 1:1 immersions — all of which I’ve had the honor to experience — Ivonne brings her full presence, passion, wisdom, clarity, and insight to it all.

The 888 is an evolutionary program, a Portal, and people who step in it are leaders that one is not likely to meet in other places.

I am deeply grateful to Ivonne Delaflor for birthing her service in such powerful ways.

The first time my world collapsed…
I was 5 months in my mother’s womb.

On that fated day, my dad got into a car accident: two people were hit, one died on the spot.

My dad’s dreams died that day too: promising future of the navy academy morphed into several years of jail.

My 5 months pregnant mom, with a one-year-old toddler, my sister, on her hands, took on the stress of an unknown future.

My world collapsed with the collapse of my mother’s world;

Cascade of stress chemicals flooding her womb,
No more a safe place for me to grow in.
To cope with the rapidly changing environment, trauma layered upon trauma,
I began what is called “organizing around my mother’s feelings”,
A term used in generational trauma work…

The first major rift between my mother and I began in the womb as well;

And the lifelong pattern of mine, to unconsciously taking the role of a caregiver instead of being a child, began as well…

I grew up as a little adult, as early as I can remember,
Unconsciously seeking acceptance through the blind loyalty
To my mother, unceasingly organizing around her feelings.

Taking more than my little body could handle,
Storing deeply in my subconscious all the wounding.

The grace of the early trauma was the activation of my extrasensory abilities…

I was practically born psychic, seeing through people, through the agendas, deception, and manipulation…

Hearing the voices of spirits, angels, and elementals…

I withdrew into my inner world, seeking comfort that was missing in my external world.

Only now I see how ALL of that was preparation for my life’s work and my calling.

My training began in the womb.

I can easily access the depths of subconscious not only in myself
But in others, helping them reprogram their inner reality from struggle to thriving.


And the reason for this share is this:

On the 13th of January 2018, I went through a REBIRTH…


My soul recognized that it was my chance to reboot all trauma patterns and start anew.

My dear ally, Ivonne Delaflor, took me through a process designed to retrieve the key missing experiences,
While returning to the Universal Womb Space;

And to heal the rift, to reverse the misplaced roles,
To restore my wiring,
To help me rebuild my boundaries, and to empower me with the gift of the Honest NO
And a Selective YES…

See, when a baby experiences such early trauma, she gets confused about her roles,
And begins to organize around the feelings of others.


It finds herself in a “ghost womb”,
Mother’s consciousness not fully present at the most crucial times;

Mother’s soul frozen in trauma,
And the baby floating in the womb,
Unconsciously trying to restore harmony lost.

I spent DECADES organizing around other’s feelings,
My needs placed at the bottom of the pole,
Becoming a chronic over-giver,
Burnout after burnout,
My body was paying the toll…

My Higher Self in its infinite wisdom
guided me to Ivonne Delaflor
To receive the healing of the trauma
That happened during my non-verbal years.

“You are so easy to carry,’
Whispers Ivonne, cradling me in her arms,
“And you are so easy to love…Welcome to the world.”

Tears streaming my face and the deepest healing of wholeness restored, a new start of a new life…

I realize that the words don’t do justice as such experience must be lived through, but what I can testify is that after Transcendental Rebirth
With Ivonne, my sense of self, the healthy sense of self was restored, and I regained liberating power of the HEALTHY BOUNDARIES.

My Honest NO and Selective YES became banks of the river
Through which my service to others
can flow in the most compassionate way.

I am no longer driven to sacrifice myself by my non-verbal traumas;

I know the difference between empowerment and co-dependence.

I began serving instead of pleasing.

Leading instead of carrying other’s pain on my shoulders.

Everything changed since my Transcendental Rebirth.

This share is a tribute to Ivonne Delaflor
Who helped me RESET my entrance to this world,
From trauma to victory,
from confusion to clarity,
From sadness into everlasting joy.

If you already follow Ivonne and you resonate with my story,
I urge you to explore a private transcendental rebirth experience with her, don’t ignore your intuition, it always leads you to your next liberation.

I am forever grateful for the way you impacted my life, Ivonne.
Thank you for your sacred work.

I love you.