188 – The Way of Enhearthenment; a solution for Existencial Angst with Aaron Fried

“Within Every Human Heart, there is a miracle to behold” Aaron Fried

Aaron Fried our guest today, is an Integral Soul Guide and Grounded Transformational Mentor. Through spirit-attuned guidance, he empowers conscious change-makers and soulful seekers to transform their existential suffering into a spiritual calling that’s genuinely worth living for and a sacred union relationship worth dying for.

He specializes in:

  • Soul Purpose Discovery
  • Sacred Union Relationship
  • Shamanic Astrology Readings
  • 1:1 Mentorship

In this podcast Aaron & Ivonne talk about;

  • Awakening through Witnessing an NDE
  • Chanting during Death and Life’s transitions
  • The Deeper Unseen
Tuning into the Heart
  • Soul Agreements – The Illuminated Self
  • Discovery system – Existential Angst
  • Blocks to Self-Realization
  • The presence of the NO-MIND
  • Vindication-Redemption-Karmic Residues and renunciation
  • Victimhood-remorse-divinity
  • An incredible story about prayer, a tumor, and a cat?

And so much more…


To listen on YouTube: https://youtu.be/xml0uRVBul4

To learn more about Aaron visit: https://innerspire.co/

Podcast produced by Brilliant Futures Productions.

Sponsored by Delaflor Teachings Int. & Network for Human Empowerment TV.

Ivonne Delaflor
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