Tag Archive for: Interview

097 – Faith, Sales & The Consequences of our Choices

“Sometimes the more you study, the more you become aware of…

093 – A Very Niyama Sol Christmas

"Why fit in when you were born to stand out?!” —Dr. Seuss⁣ Amigos!!⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣Today…

088 – Living a life of ECSTASY

“Ecstasy is your birthright”. We are so blessed to have…

087 – Marriage, God & Faith

"No matter if you are at the mountain top or in the valley, there’s…

086 – The Sacred Quest

“The deepest experience of the creator is feminine, for it…


"A spirit of Unity emerges out of the chaos of truth and that…

082 – The Holly Trinity of SCIENCE-SPIRIT-WISDOM

"There was this voice in my head. Something telling me that I…

077 – ASK, SEEK, KNOCK – The Final Episode

In this, our last episode of the SOVEREIGN FUTURES PODCAST, Ivonne…

076 – Mindset is a process

In this new episode, we had the privilege to have a conversation…

075 – Let go and let God

We are so excited for this NEW EPISODE of the SOVEREIGN FUTURES…