Tag Archive for: sacredgeometry
014 – Take Your Seat – Toma Tu Asiento
Visit https://ivonnedelaflor.com/futuring to learn more…
012 – Think of The Future – Piensa en el Mañana
Visit https://ivonnedelaflor.com/futuring to learn more about…
007 – Giving Business Soul – Dándole alma a los negocios
Visit https://ivonnedelaflor.com/futuring to learn more about…
005 – The Breath of Love with Dan Brulé
Visit https://ivonnedelaflor.com/futuring to learn more about…
004 – Manifesting a Brilliant 2020
Visit https://ivonnedelaflor.com/futuring to learn more about…
002 – Introduction to Futuring
Visit https://ivonnedelaflor.com/futuring to learn more about…